Thursday, June 4, 2009


Heb. 13:5b says, "...I will never fail you. I will never abandon you."-meaning God is always with us. He never leaves us and He is always by our side. We cant escape from His presence, He is always there. In Romans Paul says that death, life, angels, demons, fears, worries and even the powers of hell cant keep God's love away (Rom. 8:38). And in Rom. 8:10 he says "Christ lives within you" for those who have accepted Christ into their lives. How much closer can you get! He is always with you!

So how come a lot of the time He goes unnoticed?

God's presence may not always feel like the warm glow of a campfire, but he continually reveals Himself in unique and magnificent ways. But ARE YOU LOOKING? How many times does His presence go unnoticed and ignored in your daily life?

We need to constantly remind ourselves to focus our minds and hearts on Him because He is always there! Is God the one who feels distant or are you just not looking?!

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