Monday, June 1, 2009

Stop Faking!

"People that follow Christ out of convenience do more damage to God’s Kingdom than those who do not follow Christ at all!"
-Perry Noble

Wow! Think of the weight of that statement! People who just say their Christians, do some "Christian" things, however act however the hell (literally hell) they want to act do more damage to the Kingdom than those who don't even follow Christ at all. This is especially a huge problem here in the south. Im sorry if I offend Im not! But here in the "Bible belt" with SC being the dang Buckle of the belt, we see this more and more. Everyone claims to be a Christian and yet living however they want to live. As long as you go to church on Sundays and Wednesdays and maybe throw a 5 dollar bill in the offering plate youre going to heaven and youre a Christ follower. DUDE, THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS! Being a Christ follower has to enherit every part of your life! We do so much distruction to the Kingdom of God when we claim to be a Christ follower and do exactly opposite of what Jesus Christ is all about!

So lets just say STOP FAKING IT! Either your with Him or not-Stop riding the dang fence!

This statement just really hit me...thats so true! Those that just fake it do so much more damage! Another statement that Perry makes that goes along with this is...

"There are too many Christians who are willing to wear a cross around their neck but not put one on their back and follow HIM daily!"

Lets just get REAL and MAN (or woman) UP!!

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